Saturday, May 21

it's all about the green!

Last night we decided to have a camp fire in our new fire pit, while the fire was building and getting it self ready to cook us some s'mores, I grabbed my camera to snap some green shots. It's been so brown and dead here from the winter, that I'm just happy to finally look outside and see some leaves budding on the tree's. We have a small(ish) shrub that is only half living, but the limbs that are budding are just beautiful and lush. So I'm laying on the cement taking pictures of my newfound friend, my wonderfully loving husband sees me lying on the cement and asks, "did you fall?", no, LOL. Aparently he doesn't love my half alive, small(ish) shrub as much as I do :)
I hope you have time to get out and enjoy the day!


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