Saturday, May 21

Beautiful Weather... FINALLY!

It has been a long winter, and an even longer spring. We had a small spurt of warm, then it was right back into the 40's and cold :( But, I think we might be making a break through into warmer temps....FINALLY!
I took my girls out for a ride the other evening and we found a wonderful green field with beautiful round bales, and a really cool old fence, yes of course I had to stop for a few clicks!

Here is my oldest daughter Kenadie, she's 9, but if you ask her the answer would be 9 and 3/4....she just can't wait to grow up!

and this is Teigan, other wise known as 'maniac' or 'tieg' she is turning 7 in a week, and is proving to be more of a spitfire each and every day!


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