I would like to tell you about all of the mentors I've met and classes I've taken, but I can't. I'm a self taught photog on the beginning of this wild ride. I have learned so much from other photography blogs, those just starting out and the "seasoned" pros. I am inspired each day by the images I see, bright colors, composition, bokeh...oh how I love some bokeh. This is just the beginning of my wonderful journey, and I know I have so very much more to learn. I try to inspire through my words, and my pictures. Basically just by being me! I am a glass half full kind of gal, who always seems to be daydreaming, singing too loudy (and out of key ;) I'm the one who laughs so loudly people stop and stare. Ya know what? That's okay!
There are going to be about a gazillion :) other entries for this AWESOMELY DELICIOUS give away, click this button to read other inspiring stories...
You write so well.. :)
I love that you are learning and growing every day by watching others : ) Way to go! Maybe some day you will be able to mentor someone else! Good luck with the contest!
You have a beautiful website and your pictures are fantastic!
Very nice post! I like your humor!
you have mentored me!!! You made something that I thought was impossible seem so possible!!!
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