Wednesday, March 3


Who have I inspired? I'd like to think I've inspired each and every person who's ever gotten to know me, all of the families who I've captured memories for, my family and my friends, but let's face it, sometimes, most times, people don't take the time to say, "hey, you know what you said the other day, it really inspired me." It would be nice if they did, if we all did. I try to inspire my family each and every day, through pictures, music, books, and of course all the girly girl talks we share.
I would like to tell you about all of the mentors I've met and classes I've taken, but I can't. I'm a self taught photog on the beginning of this wild ride. I have learned so much from other photography blogs, those just starting out and the "seasoned" pros. I am inspired each day by the images I see, bright colors, composition, bokeh...oh how I love some bokeh. This is just the beginning of my wonderful journey, and I know I have so very much more to learn. I try to inspire through my words, and my pictures. Basically just by being me! I am a glass half full kind of gal, who always seems to be daydreaming, singing too loudy (and out of key ;) I'm the one who laughs so loudly people stop and stare. Ya know what? That's okay!

There are going to be about a gazillion :) other entries for this AWESOMELY DELICIOUS give away, click this button to read other inspiring stories...


Julia Spencer March 3, 2010 at 4:23 PM  

You write so well.. :)

Unknown March 3, 2010 at 6:55 PM  

I love that you are learning and growing every day by watching others : ) Way to go! Maybe some day you will be able to mentor someone else! Good luck with the contest!

Courtney March 5, 2010 at 7:53 PM  

You have a beautiful website and your pictures are fantastic!

way outnumbered March 7, 2010 at 5:33 PM  

Very nice post! I like your humor!

Unknown March 18, 2010 at 2:42 PM  

you have mentored me!!! You made something that I thought was impossible seem so possible!!!

It's GOOD to be a follower:)

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