Friday, March 5

How do you tattoo?

So, I'm in the shower getting ready for work, and I hear my 5 year old walk in and ask, "Mommy, can put on a tattoo?". "Sure", I say, "just wait til I'm out of the shower and I'll help you." "I can do it." I hear back. Not feeling like arguing, I tell her to get me a new washcloth so I can get one wet for her. I also ask her to PLEASE bring it back into the the bathroom when she is done, so it doesn't get left to mold on the floor somewhere in the house! I finish my shower and am actually out for quite sometime, when I realize Teigie did not bring me the washcloth. So, I yell to her, and ask her to bring me the wash rag, and her response is, "but I'm not done yet" UH OH! She came into the bathroom about 25 minutes ago asking for A, 1, SINGULAR tattoo, and 25 minutes later she isn't finished. She brings me the washcloth a few minutes later, bursting with pride to show me these.....

Oh, my teigi poo!!!! I♥U!


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