Sunday, March 28

Senior Rep Program {2011)

Okay, here's the skinny on the 2011 Senior Rep on the "SENIOR REP APPLICATION" link in the bar up there. Once you have filled out the application, email me 2 current pictures of you. I want pictures that YOU feel best show me your style. Please don't include anyone else in the pictures.
***Please remember to add your name in the email when you submit the pictures. ***

This “job” doesn’t require a huge commitment on your part but you must be willing to show off your photos and let fellow students know about Sheryl Dagenais Photography. There are additional rewards for any future sessions booked by your school friends and classmates. These senior sessions are not all about sitting and posing or capturing that “fake” smile, it’s about capturing you…what’s different about you. What makes…YOU! The truest expression are candid ones. With this session, we will spend approximately 2-3 hours together at different locations. You may have 2-3 wardrobe changes. These sessions are all about you and what you are into and all about. Suggestions would be to incorporate your sports, activities, hobbies, etc into your session. Bring several changes of clothing for a variety of looks.

Not sure if you want to apply for the program? Well, let me give you some of the details on what you will get out of this dealio Ü
2 FREE photo shoots {summer and fall}
50 senior rep cards to pass out to your friends
A spiral bound senior rep book to show your friends and family
Opportunities to earn CASH from refferals
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